The app's logo, a styalizes letter 'A' on a green and baige background

Arkham Bag

About Release Notes Legal Contact

Version 1.1 is available right now!

About the App

Arkham Bag is a chaos bag simulator for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, based on H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos. The app provides a quick and easy way to simulate the game's chaos bag, supporting game mechanics all the way to the Scarlet Keys campaign. Arkham Bag also contains quick access to player aid in the form of phase sequences with player windows and all the available keywords.

Release Notes

Here, you can find the latest feature releases and their content.

The app's logo, a styalizes letter 'A' on a green and baige background

Version 2.1 - May, 2022

+ Proper iPad support with landscape orientation and UI enhancements
+ Player Aid (left swipe from the edge on the bag screen) now includes keywords as well
+ Shiny new app icon
+ Minor "under the hood" enhancements

The app's logo, a styalizes letter 'A' on a green and baige background

Version 2.0 - May, 2022

+ Completely reworked user interface
+ Added support for every expansion released to date
+ Added a convenient list of phase sequences and player windows (swipe left on the bag screen)
+ iPad support
+ General improvements and bug fixes

The app's logo, a styalizes letter 'A' on a green and baige background

Version 1.1 - 2017

+ Added the missing Elder Thing token (Cthulhu still remains for fun)
+ Added functionality to draw additional tokens at the same time
+ Added functionality to quickly duplicate a bag in the list view (swipe left)
- Temporarily removed history (will add it back later)

The app's logo, a styalizes letter 'A' on a green and baige background

Version 1.0 - 2016

Arkham Bag is an event simulator for role playing and board games. The app contains a large number of tokens, all with different values and symbols. Assign events to these tokens, throw them into the “bag” in any combination, and draw them one by one to simulate random events.


Fill out the form below if you need to contact us! If you are reporting a bug, please make sure you are including steps to reproduce it.


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